Chhath Festival is celebrated by the people of India and Nepali. In Nepal Maithili region of people celebrated this festival and in India Uttar Pradesh of people, Bihar region of people celebrated this festival. on this day women observe fast and worshipped the sun. it is believed that when a childless couple observe fast on this day they are a blessed child. I’ve collected some amazing Chhath Puja wishes in Nepali which you can use as you Facebook or WhatsApp status or share with your family & friends to wish Chhath Puja. Happy Chhath Puja 2020/2077 to you from us, stay safe & celebrate with full happiness.
Chhath Puja images
Happy Chhath Puja wishes in Nepali
अस्ताउदो सुर्य र उदाउदो सूर्यको पुजा गरेर मनाउने छठ पुजाको हार्दिक शुभकामना
Asstaudo surya ra udaaudo suryako puja garera manaune chhath puja ko hardik subhakamana
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
छठका अवसरमा सबैमा हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना
मधेसमा म्ह पुजा र पहाडमा छठ पर्व
यो सद्भाव, श्रद्धा र सहअस्तित्व सन्तान, दरसन्तानसम्म फैलिँदै जाओस्
सबैको जय होस्
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
chhathko abasarma sabaima hardik mangalmaye subhakamana
madesh ma meha puja ra pahadma chhath parba yo sambad
sharda ra sahaastitab santan darsantan samma phailidai jawos
आस्था के महापर्व छठ पूजा की हार्दिक शुभकामना
भगवान सुर्य की कृपा होस्
aastha ko mahan parba chhath pujako hardik subhakama na
सूर्य उपासना को महापर्व ‘छठ पूजा” को शुभकामना
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
Surya uupasana ko mahaparba chhath pujako subhkamana
Sunaulo Rat ma Sawari Vayer
Surya Dev Aaoon, Tapai ko ghar
Chhath Parv Ko Subhkamana
Mero Tarf Bat Garnu Hos Sweekar
छठ पर्वको उपलक्ष्यमा सम्पूर्ण आमा बुवा, दाजु-भाइ, दिदी-बहिनी तथा
देश विदेशमा रहनुहुने सबै नेपालीहरुमा सुख शान्ति, समृद्धि, दिर्घायू
एवम् उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना व्यक्त गर्दछु
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
chhath parbako upalakshyama sampurna
aama buwa daju bhai didi bahini atha desh bidesh
rahanuhune sabima nepaliharuma sukha shanti
sambridhi dirghaeuabam utarauutar
pargatiko hardik mangalmaye subhakamna bekta gardachhu
छठ पर्व २०७७ को शुभ अवसरमा सम्पूर्णमा सुख,शान्ति,समृद्धि,
सुस्वास्थ्य,दिर्घायु एवम् उत्तरोत्तर प्रगतिको हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
chhath parba 2077 ko abarsarma sampurnama sukha shanti sambridhi
dirgaeu abam uatarauutar pargatiko hardik subhakamna
नेपाल संवत् र छठ पर्वको पावन अवसरमा सम्पूर्ण महानुभावहरूमा सुख, शान्ति,
समृद्धि, सफलता, ऐश्वर्य र सुस्वास्थ्यको मंगलमय शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दछु
Nepal sambakta ra chhath parbako pawan absarma sampurna
mahanubhabharuma sukha shanti sambrithidihi safalta asswshorya ra
suwsasthyeko mangalmaye subhakamana bekta gardachu.
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
May this chhath puja bring many opportunities your way
May you enjoy all the moments and every joy of life
On this auspicious occasion
I wish the color, bliss, and beauty of this festival be with you throughout the year
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
On this day, I pray for your health, peace, good fortune and prosperity
Happy Chhath to you and your family.
Hoping that the evils shed away and you stay happy and blessed
Happy Chhath Puja 2020
May the festival of Chhath Puja brighten your tomorrow
Wishing you the blessings of Lord Sun and Chhathi Mata for a happier and blessed future. happy Chhath Puja
May this upcoming Chhath mark the beginning of your successful life.
Wishing a very Happy Chhath Puja 2020 to everyone.
May you are blessed with the brightest celebrations
on the auspicious occasion of Chhath Puja with your family and friends
wish you A very Happy Chhath Puja 2077 to you
May the occasion of Chhath Puja light up new hopes
and opportunities in your life and fulfill all your dreams and leave you with smile happy chhath puja 2077
~~~~THE END~~~~
Thank you for reading Happy Chhath Puja wishes in Nepali 2020/2077- छठ पुजाको शुभकामना till this end.
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